Which information collects F-Secure?

Hi @hanswurst
Kindly read this post here as this question has been answered extensively there.
Let us know if you have any further concern.
From their privacy policy:
"We respect your right to privacy.
We do not log, share nor sell any of your data.
We do not know what traffic is yours.
We encrypt your data traffic.
We do not read your traffic.
We know security.
We have no backdoors."But I wonder: COULD you read my traffic? I read that you dont DO it. You dont log. But CAN you do it case of someone needs information, or any details?
I just read this (in a way not very neutral) "test" and the opinion about the "logs": https://thebestvpn.com/reviews/f-secure-freedome/
Hi @hanswurst
Our privacy policy and terms of service describe what data we collect and how we use it. Of course, when the traffic passes through our servers, we can have the access to it, but the privacy policy and terms of service explain what we could do with it.
Moreover, it is worth nothing that if the traffic is encrypted by the protocol (for example HTTPS; the majority of the world’s web traffic is HTTPS nowadays), it will pass through us encrypted and we would not be able decrypt that in any case.