Old version for OSX 10.11?

I have an old iMac which have reached it´s final update and it doesn´t support updating to newer than OSX 10.11xx El Capitan. Newer versions of Safe does not support this version. Freedome and Key are installing fine, but not Safe.
Is there a repository or type "previous versions" where I can download a version that supports OSX 10.11?
I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Is there a repository or type "previous versions" where I can download a version that supports OSX 10.11?
I think there are no any official public places with previous builds (installers).
In addition, previous builds can be with some critical bugs or internal troubles that are not really wanted. So, maybe, even if it is possible to manage and find out previous versions - result is unexpected and unknown (for example, whether it is possible to receive updates for detection engines or not).
But, in general, you could try to request something like this from their official Support: