Installing F-Secure anti-virus on Mac: Incompatible software detected

I have just migrated to a new mac using migration assistant and F-secure AV showed the warning that it could not connect to security cloud.


To attempt to clear this error I uninstalled and reinstalled F-Secure AV.


Uninstallation worked fine, but installation pops a dialog "Incompatible  software detected\n\nF-Secure Anit-Virus is incompatible with ESES, spol, s.r.o. anti-malware[...]" and I press ok and the installer exits.


I don't run any of the mentioned AV competitors and F-secure was working fine (albeit, without access to security cloud) before I uninstalled it.


How can I diagnose what is wrong? 


OS version is 10.14.6 = latest Mojave with no outstanding updates.


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