When Clicking " check for updates" OR "windows firewall settings" - nothing happens

FS Protection interface does not respond. Specifically when clicking "check for updates" and "windows firewall settings"; when choosing these options from the interface, nothing happens.
I am unable to manage windows firewall through FS Protection, and am unable to update. Even when trying to choose " check for updates" from the taskbar icon- nothing happens.
Specifically when clicking "check for updates" and "windows firewall settings"; when choosing these options from the interface, nothing happens. Even when trying to choose " check for updates" from the taskbar icon- nothing happens.
I remember that there were bug fixes for related points under release notes.
On current minute - I did not find point about "Windows firewall settings from FS Protection UI" - but I remember(?) that there was such entry under release notes (?!).
And things about "check for updates" were many times (recent beta release is included).
Thus, does your installation is most recent one (up-to-date)?
Usually, updates are triggered automatically after certain timeframe. So, should be possible to load system and allow some minutes / hours of idle (since manual triggering is not applicable).
I am unable to manage windows firewall through FS Protection
But does it possible to do via Windows control panel?
In addition, maybe good to create report under beta portal.
But, otherwise, another option is to try reinstallation (FS Protection). And if trouble is still there (or even installation is not completed) - then report is clearly required.
@bwilliams wrote:
Thanks for your response. I am able to access windows firewall through windows itself/control panel; but not through FS Protection.
I tried uninstall & reinstall to no avail unfortunatley.
I am using Fsecure Safe 30 day trial until I can get this issue with the beta resolved.Interesting.
So, all is OK with F-Secure SAFE; but with FS Protection - trouble is there even after reinstallation?
Could you try to uninstall F-Secure SAFE by expected design (as usual). Restart system.
And then to use F-Secure Uninstallation Tool:
With option like "choose what to delete / uninstall" and then choose all entries.
And restart system.
Then one more try to install FS Protection and check situation. If trouble is there anyway - I think good to create fsdiag (https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Common-Topics/How-do-I-create-an-FSDIAG-file/ta-p/18190) and to create a report with attached fsdiag under beta portal. Then F-Secure Team can to figure out what is wrong based on technical information.
Because I think that, maybe, there can be some reasons for such impact. And it is a bit unclear when it is not possible to touch system.
Please try to uninstall and reinstall Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 framework. It sounds like the .NET UI may be crashing when you try to open it, there is a rare bug with .NET that causes it to crash due to d3d rendering engine missing.
In any case, it would be better to create a bug report ticket through the beta portal with fsdiag, so we could analyze the issue.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products
Im sorry for being 3 days late with my response; but ive had some personal issues.
Anywhoo, just to hopefully be of any help possible, i can say that I had to give up on this issue. I have (however) been honored with an oppurtunity to try the new F-secure Ultralight Antivirus, and everything thus far is running smoothly.