Price changed from 29.90 e to 49.90 e at the moment of purchace

ilef Posts: 2 Observer

I purchaced freedome from There was a discount for the price 29.90 e. During the whole purchacing process (entering name, credit card details etc.) the price was show as 29.90, but just when clicking Purchase Now, the price bumped up to 49.90 e on the page, and the purchase was made with this higher price.


See screenshot of this:


How / to whom can I make and complaint about this, and either get 20 e back, or all money back and cancel the description?


  • Hello @ilef 


    Thank you for reporting us the issue, the offer prices you see on the F-secure Freedome page is only available in certain countries but we have to confirm this with our marketing team. However, it seems you have already contacted our Live Chat support and created a support ticket for the same issue. I have asked the case owner to contact our marketing team and get back to you. You will soon get a response from him.

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