Slow connection

Francke Posts: 4 Explorer


Sitting in Spain using freedom  for Sweden but it so slow.
When I test the speed against a server in Sweden i use and a server in Stockholm called Have tested several.

Without Freedom VPN I get aprox. 40-45 Mb down, with Freedom VPN connected to stockholm I get under 1 Mb. If I connect to Freedom VPN in Brussel and to the same server in stockholm I get a around , little less but around 40 Mb.

Using Windows 10, have done a reinstall of Freedom, FlushDNS.
I´m aware that VPN take some of the speed but not 39Mb.


Spoken with the chatt but I dont get any really response.

My thought is that either the servers/line are slow in Stockholm or, well dont know.
But when losing that much capacity, and Spain is not far from Stockholm I dont get it.


Any thoughts ??


  • Hello @Francke 


    I can see your support ticket for the recent contact for the Sweden server slowness issue. I have asked the case owner to reply you as soonish. I will also check this with Freedome team and keep you posted on any further update from the team.

  • Hello @Francke 


    With the information you have provided in support ticket, the case owner has now escalated your case to the higher level who will investigate your case and will be back in contact as soon as possible.

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