Slow connection

Sitting in Spain using freedom for Sweden but it so slow.
When I test the speed against a server in Sweden i use and a server in Stockholm called Have tested several.
Without Freedom VPN I get aprox. 40-45 Mb down, with Freedom VPN connected to stockholm I get under 1 Mb. If I connect to Freedom VPN in Brussel and to the same server in stockholm I get a around , little less but around 40 Mb.
Using Windows 10, have done a reinstall of Freedom, FlushDNS.
I´m aware that VPN take some of the speed but not 39Mb.
Spoken with the chatt but I dont get any really response.
My thought is that either the servers/line are slow in Stockholm or, well dont know.
But when losing that much capacity, and Spain is not far from Stockholm I dont get it.
Any thoughts ??