add vpn connection or just install f-secure vpn

Posts: 12 Explorer
in Privacy VPN
Shall I use add vpn connection in windows 10 or just install f-secure freedome. What are the add VNP connection in windows 10 for? is it only if you use free vpn?
It F-secure Freedome a public connection? So it will say when I use it, Both private and public connection is ON wjen I look at windows firewall and security windows 10
Or is there some configure I have not done correct?
Hello @Marki
You can install the Freedome VPN directly on your windows 10. Please refer this KB article to know more about how to install Freedome VPN for Windows and have a look at this Video Tutorial. So the windows 10's built-in VPN client configuration is not required for F-Secure Freedome.
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