Help! Charter Security Suite Uninstalled Itself?

mintfudge Posts: 2 New Member

The other day my Charter Security Suite did some kind of critical update, told me to restart my computer and I did. Upon rebooting I noticed the icon for it in the Windows 10 start button was gone. The icon for it under "show hidden icons" on the task bar was still there, however clicking on it did nothing. I then got a notice from IObit uninstaller that it had uninstalled. I went to the Spectrum website, selected reinstall, and downloaded CharterNetworkInstaller. I ran it, I saw a screen pop up for a split section then vanish. I tried running it as admin and the same thing happened. I'd hate to rely on Windows defender for long so if you have any suggestions, I'd be most grateful.


  • mintfudge
    mintfudge Posts: 2 New Member

    Removed the activation key, deactived that key and got a new one to be safe!

    There must have been some hidden files, using the F-Secure Uninstaller made me able to install with no problem after running. IObit installer can help you remove programs that are difficult to uninstall or remove leftover files that the regular uninstaller leaves behind. It gave me a notification of left over files for Charter Security Suite, which left me confused as I did not uninstall it! For some reason it removed itself, but at least I have it back now. Thank you for your help!

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Good that situation is sorted. And thanks for your feedback!

    It gave me a notification of left over files for Charter Security Suite, which left me confused as I did not uninstall it! For some reason it removed itself, but at least I have it back now. 

    I think that since it was "upgrade" - then upgrade flow can be with meanings like "uninstall previous build - install fresh build". As a result, when upgrade is initialized - after all steps to prepare and configure further upgrade - previous build is uninstalled (or partly uninstalled) and restart is requested. But after restart something goes wrong (incompatibility with something OR known / unknown bug with upgrade flow) and somehow Charter Security Suite installation became broken (partial upgrade); possible to call it as "uninstalled / removed" with remained items.


    Just because it was not normal uninstallation and upgrade was "broken" (but initialized) - then fresh installation is not triggered too (rejected?!).

    F-Secure Uninstallation Tool was useful since of its design to remove remained items and clean up things (when "normal" uninstallation is not an option).


    Maybe this is an explanation. Although, based on my own unofficial feellings.



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