How many licences for 3 PC's and 2 smartphones with TOTAL Security

I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions). So, only my own unofficial feelings based on own experience and understanding.
I want to secure 3 PCs and 2 Android phones of 3 users. Is the 3 license package sufficient or do I need 5 licenses?
Required count is five licenses. In general, it is called as "Up to five devices*" package.
For example, with "up to three" - it is possible to install solution on three devices* (any supported platform). Any sets: two PCs and one Android phone; one PC and two Android phones; and so on.
With "up to five" - it is possible to install on three PCs and two Android phones (or any other set like: four PCs and one Android phone; and so on). Thus, all "five" licences are used with such setting.
Does the license model count users or actual devices?
With "common" wording - actual devices*.
But, in fact, it is actual installations (design on current day). "Five licenses" that can be used for five installations. However, if all "licences" are used - then it is possible to reuse licence for fresh installation (as replacement for previous installation). Thus, possible to perform reinstallations with normal flow.
Since *devices with meanings like "system" (installation). So, if certain device with multiple systems (or, for example, virtualized system under normal system) - then it is "multiple" devices.
For example, if hardware (device) or partitions of disk with Windows 7 and Windows 10 (possible to boot one system or another) - need to use licence for both systems although it is "one" device.
Recent discussion about:
In addition, just because "F-Secure Total" package is about package of solutions (F-Secure SAFE + F-Secure Freedome + F-Secure KEY + option to purchase F-Secure SENSE): "five" installation is for each solution. At least, it is possible to use "F-Secure SAFE" on five devices and "F-Secure Freedome" on five devices too. It can be different devices (set of devices).
Sounds that "F-Secure KEY" with a bit another design. Description there:
So, possible to install F-Secure KEY on five devices (five users) / five premium installations. And each installation with option to be synced with "unlimited" count of another devices.
Knowledgebase article about:
Sorry for my unclear explanation. Good if you will back with feedback.
Or to re-ask about certain parts of my words.
For some situations (family / friends), at least, F-Secure SAFE with options like "Family Rules" (kind of Parental control) and circles / invited users.
Thanks, Ukko, for your answers.
I was hoping that there are clear rules available somewhere but it seems not to be so clearly written down.
The FAQ link to How does F-Secure TOTAL licensing work? has an indication: "When using KEY with TOTAL, if you have a 5-device license, this means five different users can use KEY on their devices. These five users can then sync their passwords with an unlimited number of devices."
Also on "My F-Secure" it counts on the top right: Free SAFE licenses... . As the app for Android is not called "F-Secure SAFE", it seems the number of PC installations is leading and that additional Android installations are not counted.
Would be great if you or anyone could confirm this or link to the official rules. Thanks!
The FAQ link to How does F-Secure TOTAL licensing work? has an indication:
This "quoted" part is about F-Secure KEY solution (covered by F-Secure TOTAL package).
So, it is kind of "special" for this solution and even pretty cool one design.
Thus, in general, "up to five device" license works for entire F-Secure TOTAL package.
It is possible to install F-Secure SAFE (up to five devices / installations), additionally F-Secure Freedome (up to five devices / installations) and F-Secure KEY (up to five KEY PREMIUM Password Manager installations. With F-Secure KEY design: Premium susbcription is about Sync-functionality. Thus, one Premium installation / device is enough for sync all your other devices with this main. With TOTAL - possible to perform "five unique" F-Secure KEY premium installations. Different database / entries. And each one of such "Premium" KEY installations can be synced with own 'unlimited' number of another devices.).
Also on "My F-Secure" it counts on the top right: Free SAFE licenses... . As the app for Android is not called "F-Secure SAFE", it seems the number of PC installations is leading and that additional Android installations are not counted.
There should be an ability to switch tab (for example, from F-Secure SAFE to F-Secure FREEDOME) and check information about each part of package. Thus, can be used "three licences" for F-Secure SAFE (and "two available" more) and "one licence" for F-Secure Freedome (and "four available" more).
Android installations should be counted too. But need to login into application after Android app installation. And, perhaps, installed application is also "F-Secure SAFE".
And "F-Secure Freedome" installed as such application too. Then, need to "login" for activation.
If this is unclear explanation and your "F-Secure SAFE" android app is not counted under portal - then good to doublecheck (at first) that you are logged with your credentials (TOTAL account) under Android application... and then back with reply.
Sorry for my long replies. And sorry for my English!
I have now finally tested it. I have 3 licenses for SAFE that are linked to a PC. I now wanted to add another license for a Smartphone and ... unfortunately that is not covered. Either I have to release a license from one of the 3 PCs or buy an additional license. A license is really linke to one device only. ... which is pity because other manufaturers would cover a PC and Smartphone with one license.
Sorry for my reply. And sorry if my previous replies were kind of misleading.
I have now finally tested it. I have 3 licenses for SAFE that are linked to a PC.
Original discussion under topic was about "F-Secure TOTAL" subscription (that is package of SAFE/FREEDOME/KEY solutions and licences via one subscription).
"F-Secure SAFE" subscription is only about SAFE solution and licences.
But main point of your current reply should be 'one' for both.
I now wanted to add another license for a Smartphone and ... unfortunately that is not covered.
Either I have to release a license from one of the 3 PCs or buy an additional licenseSo, yes. Each device is as one license. With "up to three devices" subscription - it is only possible to use on three devices. With any variations/combos:
- two PCs and one smartphone;
- or three smartphones;
- or three PCs;
- or two smartphones and one PC;
- or other (three in total);
which is pity because other manufaturers would cover a PC and Smartphone with one license.
Did you mean: you buy licence for "one device" and it is possible to use for two devices (PC and Smartphone)? Or there is another wording for subscription? For example, special subscription that covered devices with certain specific setting?
Other than that - F-Secure SAFE solution with support for different platforms (PCs and Smartphones).
Only each device is require own licence (from subscription).
Sorry for my reply. And sorry for my English!