How can I create an exception for a certain software (exe) in F-Secure SAFE?
I use memoQ, a local computer-aided translation environment, which connects to a cloud server for synchronization. This synching process is very slow, which the software supplier says is caused by F-Secure. He recommended finding out where I can add the memoq.exe in F-Secure as an exception for real-time-scanning.
Can you help?
All the best
I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
It should be possible to do by next steps:
- open F-Secure SAFE main user interface (click for tray-picture or doubleclick desktop F-Secure logo);
- switch tab from main ("AV") to "Tools" (left-tabbed menu);
- choose "App and file control";
- choose "Excluded" tab and "Add" required executable or folder;
For example, next Online Help is about subject with more "clear" explanation:
Or next Knowledgebase article:
Although, I am not sure that it is a recommended step. Since it will reduce security state a bit (all activities by executable are "allowed"). But if troubles with syncing indeed are related with F-Secure scanning - it is possible, at least, to check if exclusion list is helpful there. Good if you will back with feedback.
Sorry for my English!
Though I have the impression that the synch errors have reduced in number since I've added the *.exe as an exception, they have still come up.
The company's support dept. the even recommended to remove my real-time virus scanner completely, stating that Windows Defender was enough... But of course I won't.
All the best,