Freedome VPN cannot connect to any location within the US on Android cellphone and Windows 7 laptop

vpnsecure Posts: 4 New Member

Thank you in advance for help with this. 


Freedome VPN cannot connect to any location within the US on Android cellphone and Windows 7 laptop. Both devices are physically located in the US and trying to connect to US servers using Freedome version 2.27.5861.0


Please advise.  Thanks again.




  • bigbike2000
    bigbike2000 Posts: 3 Observer

    Im having the same issue. I can connect to locations outside of US like the UK but unable to connect to anything in the US. Sometimes it will act likes it's connected to a US location, but then there is no internet connection. My subscription is up to date as is my Freedome application.

    I a also using a Windows 7 machine and an Android phone.

  • vpnsecure
    vpnsecure Posts: 4 New Member

    Thank you for replying.


    I just tried to connect to the UK London and it did work.


    We willll use this as a workaround temporarily while the US servers are unable to connect. 


    By the way, having the same issue with the servers in Canada. Haven't tried any other countries yet.




  • bigbike2000
    bigbike2000 Posts: 3 Observer

    Yes Im having the same experience. Canada does not work but UK does. But it is much slower then the US connections.

  • vpnsecure
    vpnsecure Posts: 4 New Member

    Interesting. I am not noticing a huge drop off in response time. 


    Thanks again for the follow up.


    Guess we'll have to see if the company can do anything about it. Hopefully they will push out a patch soon if required.

  • cheetah102
    cheetah102 Posts: 1 New Member

    I'm having the same problem here in Canada, it won't connect to any of the Canadian servers ...

  • NarrSD
    NarrSD Posts: 24 Observer

    Yes, Freedome is completely gone for several hours.  Windows and Android, no difference.


    Not a good thing.  I hope sisu can help.

  • NarrSD
    NarrSD Posts: 24 Observer

    Tapio-team, thanks for your hard work --  we don't know  how much we depend on Freedome until we don't have it.


    A sure-fix will be very good, of course. But there's something else I feel strongly that you should look into.


    The problem is that we out in the world were blind. As far as I could find, there's no 'System Status' site, or anything else to communicate situations.


    Other  providers of web services commonly have a website on a completely separate and reliable physical server, so that they can provide status information generally at any time -- and messages of the situation and prognosis when problems occur.


    I hope you'll enjoy making such communication in future, thanks.

  • vpnsecure
    vpnsecure Posts: 4 New Member

    Server outages are unexpected and unanticipated; thank you for your timely response and summary of events. 


    As you can see from the immediacy of the response here during this partial outage, the f-secure freedome vpn is a valued resource for many. Thank you for creating such a useful tool and your ongoing efforts to ensure uptime.




  • ITGuy67
    ITGuy67 Posts: 1 New Member

    I view this as North American discrimination and I'm offended for my fellow Americans and my Canadian brothers and sisters!  LOL

    I agree that some type of status page would be a great idea.



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