F-Secure Safe Browser Website Settings clear doesn't clear the names of the visited websites

Why one can only delete website data and location permissions from Safe Browser on Android? After running the following steps, Safe Browser only deletes website data and location permissions but it still keeps a list of the web pages visited:
Safe Browser -> Settings -> Advanced -> Website Settings -> Clear all -> Delete all website data and location permissions? -> OK
I still have over 50 pages on the list after running the steps above.
If someone would get access to my phone, they could still easily list many web pages I have visited even though all delete steps have been done. At the moment only option to delete the web pages from the list is to reinstall F-Secure Safe to Android, which is not a very good solution.
Would it be possible to have delete also available for the web sites listed?
F-Secure Safe version: 17.6.0114380
Browser version: 2.0-454-g218bd3a
Android version: 7.0
It is also discussed there:
My experience is not changed (but list with much more items already - ten items against up to three items). I did not find any explanation yet.
Thanks Ukko. I contacted F-Secure about this issue about a year ago. They did not know how to remove the websites from the list. Only thing they suggested was to reinstall F-Secure safe to my Android.
I was hoping that there would be some proper fix already but these things take time
I contacted F-Secure again today. Here is what they replied.
This is a known bug. At the moment only fix for this issue is to reinstall F-Secure Safe on Android. Next F-Secure Safe version comes at the end of the month but it is not known yet that will there be fix for this issue or not.
Support guys didn't have official info that when the fix will be available.
Can you please scroll down the list and confirm that ALL entries in the list report zero storage? That might mean that the list is there, but the trackers are gone.
That is, if "zero" really means 0,00000.... and doesn't mean "up to 0.1 MB", which is the minimum nonzero value. For what I know, a list of zero storage items could be a list of items with small but extant and functioning tracker globs.
I have several zero storage items at the beginning of the list, but if I scroll down I find several that report up to a few MB of permanently stored code.
When I try to get rid of them, not only the list is unaffected, many items still report non-zero storage use. -