Good day
I have F-secure SAFE and first time do not work properly. How is that? The banking security does not work alright. Becouse in one site works ok . But in another banking do not appear and in another simple site working banking protection. The baning sites are 1. www.alpha.gr/e-banking/ on this one banking protection works ok. 2. ebanking.eurobank.gr/#/login on this one banking protection not working. 3. www.capital.gr this is a simple site for economy and other news . On this one banking protection is activated wrongly.
Please assist me with orders what to do. Thank you
Hello @lily3
Thank you for reporting the issue, we have a Sample Analysis Department (SAS) to help verify these URL's. Kindly sumbit these samples for verification to our SAS team. They will then liaise the issue with you directly. Please go ahead and click this link to sumbit the URL's
Remember to click on this bottom, if you want us to contact you with the result of the analyses: I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results.
Remember to fill in the information, and describe the issue, so that we can analyse the situation and contact you.
Good day
I have received your message and My reply is that situation remains the same. The alpha banking has activating normal banking guard . The eurobank banking has no activation of banking protection and final the capital.gr which is a very simple site for economics information again activates the banking protection which is wrong. I am checking these 3 sites only and have no idea if this happens with any other site.
Good day
Today I received the following message.
The site rating changes have been reflected via our security cloud.
If banking banner still trigger unexpectedly, please try to clear the browser cache. Thank you.
Best regards,
Hau Vei,
Malware Analyst
F-Secure Customer Protection
So far nothing understood. Please give clear and understanble orders on how to correct the problems. Thank you
Hello @lily3
Meaning, the F-secure Banking protection banner does appear correctly as our virus lab has managed to reproduce and updated in our internal system. We have also tested that the reported websites and it seems to be working right way.
May I ask you to check both Eurobank.gr and Capital.gr on your end? If issue still remain, you can try clear your browser cache.
Good day again.
I cleared my browser cache and then again cheched the sites of 1) Alpha banking 2) Capital.gr site 3) Eurobank site 4) and last Eurobank banking login and results as follows :
You will see that on the first image for the Eurobank banking login no banking protection which is incorrect.
Alpha bank banking login correctly is protected .
Eurobank banking site is correctly protected
Capital.gr site is now correctly is not longer protected.
So we have 3 sites correct and 1 which still in not correct i speak for Eurobank banking login which must protected by banking protection.
Good day
I received your follow message
Dear Customer,
This is an automatically generated message.
We are doing a follow-up on your case submission and would like to know whether the issue has been resolved. If the issue still persist, kindly respond to this email so that we can provide further assistance.
Should we not hear from you within three days from the date this email was sent, please take note that the case will be closed automatically.
Feel free to contact us again if you have any other questions pertaining to the case
Best regards,
F-Secure Security Labs
and my reply is that compare the 3 sites which I am testing often for the malfunction of SECURE SAFE still there is malfunction. See below the 3 new shoots. The first is EURONAK BANKING LOGIN site where you can see that banking protection still is not activating. On the second one ALPHA BANK BANKING LOGIN you can see that banking protection is activated but after I closed the site the banking protection is still there on my desk . Yoy can see that on the 3rd screen shoot . Finally the site CAPITAL.GR banking protection is not activated anymore which is correct now.
Thank you and waiting your reply. Have a nice evening.
Good day,
Further yours today , I checked the 3 sites means ALPHA BANKING LOGIN , EUROBANK BANKING LOGIN and CAPTAL.GR and I have noticed that ALPHA BANKING LOGIN now is fully corrected and BANKING PROTECTION is activated normal and again normally closed whene I close the site. CAPITAL.GR is acting normal without activation of BANKING PROTECTION. Only EUROBANK BANKING LOGIN site remains incorrect as BANKING PROTECTION is not activated. All above for your information.
Good day,
Your below message received and my reply follows.
We have receive escalation from our Support Team regarding the issue you posted in our community about the eurobank website which not triggering banking protection banner.
We have re-confirm the eurobank [https:// ebanking.eurobank.gr/#/login] is triggering banking protection banner.
Perhaps try with other browser to verify if it works?
You may reply to this email or alternatively if there is anything else you need from our Support assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
Hau Vei,
Malware Analyst
F-Secure Customer Protection
I checked the 3 sites that causing the problem with banking protection and noticed that all the problems are due to browser I am using Google chrome. Using this browser causing problem with bank site of Eurbank banking login because I changed browser as you recommended and I used EDGE browser and everything is normal. The banking protection activated normally when I use EDGE browser. Means that the cause of the problem is browser Goggle chrome. Can you tell me now what to do ? Shall I use eurobank banking login with EDGE browser ? And all others remain smooth and normal ? Or there is other solution ? Wait for your reply. Thank you
Good day.
In response to your message quoted below.
Dear Customer,
This is an automatically generated message.
We are doing a follow-up on your case submission and would like to know whether the issue has been resolved. If the issue still persist, kindly respond to this email so that we can provide further assistance.
Should we not hear from you within three days from the date this email was sent, please take note that the case will be closed automatically.
Feel free to contact us again if you have any other questions pertaining to the case
Best regards,
F-Secure Security Labs
F-Secure Corporationunquote
Please be advised that Site ALPHA BANK BANKING was from the begginning a normal site with banking protection normal. Site CAPITAL.GR now normal with no banking protection as it must be. Site EUROBANK BANK BANKING still with some problem but I enter www.eurobank.gr/el/retail where banking protection is triggered and then I enter to ebanking.eurobank.gr/#/login where banking protection is continued and so I have banking protection also to this bank site. In some how now problem is no longer persist.