Product doesn't retry after failed self-upgrade



I'm trying to install 


on new Windows 10 notebook from HP Inc. using an admin account.

After accepting download of the installation assistent, installation fails.

Logfiles report "E: Installer::HandleUpgrade: Failed to launch self-upgrade: 740"


2019-04-09 20:00:55.840 [2da8.35b4] I: (FILE) Success '' -> 'C:\Users\<edited>\AppData\Local\F-Secure\fs82930250.tmp\stubConfig.xml'Smiley Sad0 retries) [HTTP 200][Win32 0] in 313ms (2636 bytes -> 8kB/s)
2019-04-09 20:00:56.288 [2da8.32cc] I: (FILE) Success '' -> 'C:\Users\<edited>\AppData\Local\F-Secure\fs82930250.tmp\UnitymediaSicherheitspaketNetworkInstaller-NRWHessenUpgrade.exe'Smiley Sad0 retries) [HTTP 200][Win32 0] in 437ms (1729992 bytes -> 3958kB/s)


2019-04-09 20:00:55.292 [06e4.06ec] I: *** LOGGING STARTED *** (UTC+2:00, session: 0x4)
2019-04-09 20:00:55.292 [06e4.06ec] I: Binary version:, compilation time: Feb 3 2016 13:31:28
2019-04-09 20:00:55.292 [06e4.06ec] I: InstallerExt:Smiley TonguearseCommandLine: Command-line: "C:\Users\<edited>\Downloads\UnitymediaSicherheitspaketNetworkInstaller-NRWHessen.exe"

2019-04-09 20:00:55.370 [2da8.37fc] I: *** LOGGING STARTED *** (UTC+2:00, session: 0x4)
2019-04-09 20:00:55.370 [2da8.37fc] I: Binary version:, compilation time: Feb 3 2016 13:31:28
2019-04-09 20:00:55.370 [2da8.37fc] I: InstallerExt:Smiley TonguearseCommandLine: Command-line: "C:\Users\<edited>\AppData\Local\Temp\fs82930156.tmp\UnitymediaSicherheitspaketNetworkInstaller-NRWHessen.exe" "C:\Users\<edited>\Downloads\UnitymediaSicherheitspaketNetworkInstaller-NRWHessen.exe" --nocopy
2019-04-09 20:00:55.386 [2da8.37fc] I: LanguageSelect:Smiley FrustratedelectLanguageFromEnvironment: User display language is 'German' (de-DE)
2019-04-09 20:00:55.386 [2da8.37fc] I: LanguageSelect:Smiley FrustratedelectLanguageFromEnvironment: Selected 'de' as the default language (score: 4)
2019-04-09 20:00:55.386 [2da8.37fc] I: LanguageSelect:Smiley FrustratedelectLanguageFromEnvironment: Language locked by score (threshold: 4)
2019-04-09 20:00:55.386 [2da8.37fc] I: WSACCommunication::IsSecurityInstalledAndActive: Querying security provider statuses...
2019-04-09 20:00:55.401 [2da8.37fc] I: WSACCommunication::IsSecurityInstalledAndActive: Computer is protected by security products
2019-04-09 20:00:55.417 [2da8.2070] I: CcfDownload::CcfDownloadInstance:Smiley FrustratedetProxyAddress: Setting proxy to '<disabled>'
2019-04-09 20:00:55.840 [2da8.2070] I: Downloader:Smiley FrustratedhouldSelfUpgrade: Self-upgrade is needed, current: 3.06.180, available: 3.17.192
2019-04-09 20:01:04.136 [2da8.37fc] I: Installer::FinalizeDownload: Download finished, result = DownloadSuccess
2019-04-09 20:01:04.152 [2da8.1210] I: GuiManager:Smiley SurprisedpenDialog: Showing dialog type 0
2019-04-09 20:01:04.230 [2da8.1210] I: GuiManager:Smiley SurprisedpenDialog: Showing dialog type 8
2019-04-09 20:02:50.688 [2da8.37fc] I: Installer::HandleUpgrade: User accepted self-upgrade
2019-04-09 20:02:50.750 [2da8.37fc] *E: Installer::HandleUpgrade: Failed to launch self-upgrade: 740
2019-04-09 20:02:50.766 [2da8.1210] I: GuiManager:Smiley SurprisedpenDialog: Showing dialog type 4
2019-04-09 20:06:52.511 [2da8.1210] I: MsgLoopThread: Message loop exited
2019-04-09 20:06:52.511 [2da8.37fc] I: AdminHandler::Abort: Set abort signal
2019-04-09 20:06:52.511 [2da8.37fc] I: AdminHandler::Abort: Set abort signal
2019-04-09 20:06:52.527 [2da8.37fc] I: wWinMain: Exiting with code: 1 (Failed)
2019-04-09 20:06:52.527 [2da8.37fc] I: *** LOGGING ENDED ***
2019-04-09 20:06:52.542 [06e4.06ec] I: wWinMain: Secure copy finished: 1 (Failed)
2019-04-09 20:06:52.542 [06e4.06ec] I: *** LOG AUTO-CLOSED ***

2019-04-09 20:01:04.152 [22c8.21d0] I: *** LOGGING STARTED *** (UTC+2:00, session: 0x4)
2019-04-09 20:01:04.152 [22c8.21d0] I: Binary version:, compilation time: Feb 3 2016 13:32:15
2019-04-09 20:06:52.511 [22c8.21d0] I: AdminInstaller::InstallationSequence: Cancel signal received
2019-04-09 20:06:52.511 [22c8.21d0] I: wWinMain: Exiting with code: 2
2019-04-09 20:06:52.511 [22c8.21d0] I: *** LOGGING ENDED ***


I looked for known problems -
?04-03-2015 03:46 PM

Fixed issues

Product doesn't retry after failed self-upgrade (CTS-95981)


this should be fixed as product version is younger, right?


contains a hint about missing root cert's, will try the tip

"just type into your browser: ."
to download root certificates later today.



  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert



    This forum is meant for beta reports. The issue is that 3.xx series can't self-upgrade to 4.xx series installer, due to different elevation levels. I will let our deployment team know so they will configure it not to try self-ugprade at all, instead just show error to user that they need to get latest installer manually.



    (F-Secure R&D)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • tbuen
    tbuen Posts: 3 New Member

    Thank you for the quick response, and sorry for choosing the wrong forum.

    (This was my first post and I was't offered a choice of forums.)

    Glad to learn that you'll forward this to the correct group.

    I hope you can tell me from where to get the latest installer manually, 

    so that I can proceed with the installation.

    (And that my product key will also be valid for the 4.xx version.)

    Thanks in advance.

  • tbuen
    tbuen Posts: 3 New Member

    Hi Ville,


    I was able to execute the UnityMedia.exe installer successfully.

    Thanks again!

This discussion has been closed.