FSecure internet security instalation fails on Win 8.1

tomsautomation Posts: 2 New Member


I've renewed my subscription in January for one of W8.1 machines. Somehow it was uninstalled or crashed and got gone from this PC after month and a half of operation.

Now, I've got quite unusuall error when trying to reinstall the FSecure internet security on this older machine with 8.1.

Following can be observed:
1. The installation is passing over download, subscription code entry, EndUser License termms accept and continue and then fails at the end when doing FSecure Setup with mesg: "Downloading and updating common components. Please wait..."

2. FS icon is visible on the desktop during install but then get's gone (no option visible to uninstall).

3. I've tried the uninstall tool from https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-secure-Internet-Security/td-p/106144  but did not helped.

4. Application log shows following entries (newest timestamp will be for one will be in subpoint 'd' bellow):

a. Error: Product: F-Secure Internet Security --Error 1923. Service 'FSecure Hoster (Restricted)' (fsnethoster) could not be installed. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to install system services.

please note that I"m starting network installer as administrator...

b. Information: Product: F-Secure Internet Seruciry -- Installation failed.

c. Information: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: F-Secure Internet Security. Product Version: 4.00.6136.0. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: F-Secure Corporation. Installation success or error status: 1603.

d. Information: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: F-Secure Internet Security. Product Version: 4.00.6136.0. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: F-Secure Corporation. Installation success or error status: 1603.


Any clue how to overcome this problem? 

Please help.




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).

    please note that I"m starting network installer as administrator...

    By the way, is your UAC configured to any level (rather than disabled)? With another words - is there UAC prompt after launching F-Secure Internet Security installer?

    For except discussion between users (and unpredictable attention in time from F-Secure Official teams under community) - there are some things more:

    - possible to check that latest installer is used:


    - possible to use official F-Secure Support Channels (for example, chat):


  • tomsautomation
    tomsautomation Posts: 2 New Member


    Thanks for reply.

    I've checked this morining and unlocked also following
    Control panel > Action Center > Change user account control settings -> to minimum level
    Control panel > Smart screen > Dont do anything (turn off smart screen).

    Still it did not worked.

    I've noticed that fs uninstaller was not removing the log files correctly - those were always present. I've created another local admin account and removed them manually (unsure why but I could not with original admin account).

    I would say that potentially issue was due to some access issue to old log files (perhaps).
    Afterwards attempt of installation from new local admin account went fine and now all seem to be resolved also when switched to old local admin account.

    Thanks once more and have a nice week.



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