Hidden malware in Telia Mail

Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure (their home solutions).
Maybe it is good to provide a little be more information or to explain some things.
For example, what are the main suspicions that there is a hidden malicious software? Is it pinned to some mail letters (with such subject / concern) to your telia mail (which are received by you)? If so - maybe it is hoax or rogue try.
But, in general, good to perform full scanning by security solution. Then to doublecheck installed browser extensions / addons.
And, maybe, to check list of installed system applications. Good to keep system and most of applications are up-to-date.
By the way, what is your OS / device (Windows / Mac / Android / iOS)?
Based on your description - trouble is something about "keylogger"? Or remote access to your system.
Before any futher steps, all in all, good to create a "clean" back up of your important and critical data / files / information.
If your experience is about F-Secure solution - there is ability to contact their official Support Channels (chat as example):
Sorry for my English!