android q

Hello @Jpwisecup
Thank you for reporting this to us, we will check this with backend team and will let you know here as soon as we hear something.
Hello @Jpwisecup
Our backend team said that Android Q is currently in a early beta phase but these are no means the final products. Once Google's officially launched its public full version for Android Q, then our F-secure program does support the latest officially released operating system versions.
That being said, sometime our newer version of Freedome (2.5.7) could help with this issue that you are facing. There are some fixes to the network detection code and those may help in this case as well. This version is in a phased release rollout right now through Google Play, meaning that if this version is not yet available for your device, it will be coming available to it at some point soonish.
If the problem occurs with version 2.5.7 too, I would recommend to get in touch with our F-secure Support for further investigation is required.