I try to activate Freedome

ALF4 Posts: 1 New Member


I want to activate my Frredome after I bought ut yesterday. This request is rejected. My code was not såvel, but I have a nummer: xxxx. Can you send me my activationcode, please.

Alf Mæland, xxxx@xxx.xx


EDIT: Removed PII


  • F_DU
    F_DU Posts: 9 Observer

    Normally, in the same email (or the second one if it was just indicating the processing of your order) where you got your reference number you mention, you have further down in the email the code needed to activate your subscription;

    it is a code in a format of 3 times 4 characters (mostly capital letters with few number digits) separated by a dash (« - »), XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

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