Am I protected against hackers?

ceto Posts: 3 New Member

I get mails claiming that I have been hacked and that malware has been placed on my computer.

I have F-secure safe installed and a scan does not show anything. Am I safe?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    @ceto wrote:

    I get mails claiming that I have been hacked and that malware has been placed on my computer.

    I have F-secure safe installed and a scan does not show anything. Am I safe?

    If your experience is about letters from (so called) "myself" address as proof of hacked system, then, it is likely that you are safe (though, it is good to check situation more). One example of discussion:


    If not - it is good to know what is subject of letter and further information. For example, if this letter is from your ISP (Internet Service Provider) - then need to doublecheck situation. If letter with any suggestion how to "deactivate" malicious software - so - what is proposed steps? Otherwise, what is reason of such letter? Is it ransom request? Or it is only as "tips/advice"?


    In general, it is always good to ensure that your installed software are known and trusted for you; browser's extension and addons are only known and trusted for you; it is useful as addition to results of scanning by F-Secure (good to check that it was Full Scan. "Main user interface -> Tools tab -> Scan options -- Full scan").

    And, also, good to safely change your critical passwords to more stronger ones. If there is suspicion of any unexpected access to your credentials or accounts. But good to do so.. "safely" and "securely".


    Some other examples of "letters with related sound" (rogue activity):

    there was much more number of discussions about.


    Sorry for my English.





  • ceto
    ceto Posts: 3 New Member

    Hi Ukko,

    thanks for your suggestions. Re "Full scan". I don't have a "Full scan" option in my Tools tab. I can only choose between "Virus scan" or "Select what you want to scan" (translated from swedish). If I choose the "Select..." option, I get my folder list to choose from. I can then choose my hard disk symbol. Perhaps that is equivalen to "Full scan"? What about "hidden" files?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



     Re "Full scan". I don't have a "Full scan" option in my Tools tab. I can only choose between "Virus scan" or "Select what you want to scan" 

    Maybe your F-Secure installation is branded or customized version. For example, if solution is provided by your ISP. Or if your F-Secure installation is not about most recent available version.

    By the way, what is your OS (is it Windows? Or Mac platform?).


    Based on your description - sounds that maybe your experience is about MacOS.

    And if so, probably, your installation can be most recent one, of course! Because there can be difference between Windows and MacOS options (although, sounds strange a little be).

    If I choose the "Select..." option, I get my folder list to choose from. I can then choose my hard disk symbol. Perhaps that is equivalen to "Full scan"? What about "hidden" files?

    I think that such ability is practically "Full scan" in fact. But there can be differences with functionality (when "Full Scan" option is provided and available).

    I think that "hidden" files should be automatically handled as a scanning flow.

    And most of items are scanned. But it is possible to check additional options for scanning (scan inside zipped items; or to uncheck scanning only known file types) by access to Settings for manual scan options. I am not sure if it is valid for MacOS; but should be available with Windows.


    If your experience is about Windows - maybe good to know what is your F-Secure solution / version.


    But! just one addition - I am also only an F-Secure user (their home solutions). There is also ability to use official Support Channels (chat as example) for most certified advice and help:


    If your experience is about MacOS - maybe to hack your system is more tricky. At least, too invisible for you.



  • ceto
    ceto Posts: 3 New Member


    thanks again for your conprehensive reply! Yes, I'm on Mac. My F-secure  was originally provided by my ISP but they have since then handed the responsibility over to F-secure itself. I think my F-secure application is up to date as it's like a subscription that updates all the time.

    Thank you again for your help and by for now.


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