(un)official F-secure web?

tomasr Posts: 2 New Member

Hello, I´ve just visited www.myfsecure.cz. I downloaded an "antivirus F secure" file called F-SecureNetworkInstaller.exe from here. However, downloading was too long and then even on website I noticed some mistakes. Now I browse www.f-secure.com and there isn´t website www.myfsecure.cz even noticed - at least I didn´t find it mentioned anywhere. So I wonder, if www.myfsecure.cz is or is not an offical Fsecure website? Hopefully I haven´t downloaded any malware... Thank you for reply!


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).

    It is only my own unofficial feelings.


    I think it could be their local partners or distributors. Or even past local branches / affiliates that have been transformed into something else (or acquired).


    Noted website with clear copyrights for Agora DMT. And even its "Kontakt" page with clear Agora information. So, this website / domain is ruled by this company.

    And this company is listed as official distributor (at least) for Czech Republic:



    Thus, it should be safe place to download F-Secure installer (but it can be customized or branded).

    Otherwise, possible to contact "Agora" (from their official website; www.agora.cz is listed under provided F-Secure page) and ask if this noted domain is their domain.

    In addition, it should be possible to download most of installers under F-Secure website directly:


    Though, I did not find if their website is localized for čeština, but there is ability to use "My F-Secure Account" portal with that localization:


    and language is supported for installation.


    So, if your experience is about license for F-Secure solution - possible to use official F-Secure website.

    If you want to use trial (need to request trial key) for F-Secure Internet Security or F-Secure AV - just to download it from:

    If you want to use trial F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure TOTAL - then just to register account with further trial time under my.f-secure.com ; or from their description-page: F-Secure TOTAL || F-Secure SAFE.


    //  what about, probably, main concern as "f-secure" in domain name: I have met this (and similar) "unofficial" domains before; came to the conclusion that this is "official" partners of F-Secure. Although some of them were more like fraud (which I reported) and such domains are inactive on the current day.

    Furthermore, this kind of official distributors (or partners) can be as recommended or as most suitable option for certain location. Where such domains can be as landing pages or promotional pages.



  • tomasr
    tomasr Posts: 2 New Member

    Hello Ukko, thank you very much for such a looong reply! Of course, I´ve read, that it´s your feelings, and... possible clear answer from admin would be best, however, even your "feeling-response" is very welcome. I checked downloaded file with online antivirus page and it seemed to be clean, so I hope it would be ok. Have a great day Ukko, and once again... thank you! Smiley Happy

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