F-secure stops using Roblox - "Initialization error 4"

Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Sounds that it is a known trouble (or even a known limitation). At least, it was discussed before and sorted; but, probably, trouble is back with recent days. Examples of discussion:
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-Secure-Safe-for-PC-is-blocking/m-p/106133
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-secure-stops-using-Roblox-quot/m-p/106148
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Business/issues-with-roblox/m-p/113622
- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/F-Secure-SAFE/F-Secure-DeepGuard-Ultralight/m-p/115471
I feel that such a situation is based on 'own protection design' of Roblox (maybe against cheating). F-Secure DeepGuard should to inspect and analysing application at its launch. Kind of "hook" and if application is not whitelisted (excluded/trusted) for this layer -> there can be compatibility troubles when Roblox detect something as interception.
Anyway, I feel that it should be possible to try next things:
-- to contact their official Support Channels (chat as example):
-- to transfer screenshot, URL or anything else via their F-Secure SAS page:
as information about false positive.
-- to try exclude Roblox executable/folder. It is a little be more nice workaround than to disable DeepGuard completely.
Just as discussion.
Trouble should be fixed on current day. At least, based on this reply:
What is your experience about?