Harmful Messages - How to Submit to F-Secure to Test?

Silkywayy Posts: 8 New Member

How do I notify F-Secure to check the following site issues?  (Their Chat is not active, I cannot find an email, etc.):


I enter https://www.oneway2fun.com/ without problem.  This site has a sister site: socialvictorymediacom.


When I click on socialvictorymedia.com/ in an email sent to me by the site owner, I get:

This site can’t provide a secure connection

socialvictorymedia.com sent an invalid response.


  • Try running Windows Network Diagnostics.
When I enter "socialvictorymedia.com/ " in my browser URL address field, I get the F-Secure message:
Harmful web site blocked

This web site has been reported as harmful. 
We recommend that you do not visit this web site.

 Thanks for any help.


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