Freedome battery usage shot up in Android 9

After my phone Nokia 5 recently updated to Android 9, battery drain by Freedome has shot up alarmingly and it's now the app clearly with highest battery drain. E.g. now with 66% battery left (12 hours after full charge), Freedome has used 17% (1 hr 7min) and the second highest app Skype only 4%. Most of the time during the past 12 hours the phone has been idle without active use, I'd actually say the Freedome active time of a bit more than an hour would roughly equate to my active use of the phone today.
In the earlier Android version Freedome battery usage was always very small, like a few % during a whole day, so I'm very worried about it now shortening battery life drastically.
Hello @Simon7
Thank you for reporting us the issue. I would suggests you to try resetting app permissions, clear partition cache.
For Freedome app, you can try to clear app data and cache (for Freedome) to check if that help. Click here to know more about Clean app data.Reinstall it or even remove it to monitor few days to check whether battery drain still happen.
Hello @Simon7
Thank you for your continued co-operation, did you enable the feature "both Wi-Fi and data networks" under App security on your Freedome app? because we always advise our customer to put the Application Security setting to "Wi-Fi mode only". If you are already using "Wi-Fi mode only", please try disabling the Freedome features as below one by one and check again.
1. Tracker protection
2. Browsing protection
3. App Security scanner
And go to Freedome app> settings > under Improve service, uncheck " Help us improve the product by sending non-personalized usage data"
Both wifi and mobile data are already enabled.
The Freedome usage data I had already disabled earlier to see if that has any effect (haven't really noticed a change).
Disabling any of the protective features seems counterintuitive given they are things the app is supposed to be doing. Also, all three seem operations that would only get used during active phone use (e.g. browsing), yet the battery drain occurs even when the phone is basically idle (for hours).
But I guess I can try and see.
Disabling Tracker protection and App Security consecutively had no effect on the battery drain. Switching off also Browsing protection has maybe cut down battery drain somewhat, though sample size is small as it's only been off for roughly a day.
Also as I said earlier tracker and browsing protection should only apply when actively using the phone, while Freedome has been draining battery *especially* when the phone is not in use.
Hello @Simon7
Thank you for your continued co-operation, it seems that your issue requires further investigation, so it would be best if you could reach our F-secure support.