Error message: "modified system configuration"

FileDansLeVent Posts: 8 Observer

I'm a Freedome user for years on a Windows 7, Android and IOS.


Recently Freedome of my Windows 7 proposed me to make an update and I said yes.

The update went very well and the VPN works fine.


I usually put my Windows7 in hibernation and when it's being awaken there's an error. 

Behind the error popup the VPN is ON. I click on "reconnect now button".

The VPN is quicly going OFF then ON again and works fine.


Please note that if I start Windows from scratch I don't see that error. It occurs only when the PC awake from hibernation


The image reads:

modified system configuration


An unexpected change of system configuration has been detected. 

Another application may make changes that may affect the operation and security of your VPN connection. Disable it so we can protect you.


Reconnecting the VPN can also solve the problem. do you want to reconnect it now ?


Reconnect now                  cancel




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