Account amalgamation

Heliman2019 Posts: 3 New Member

I understand that TOTAL shows all accounts. I only have SAFE and FREEDOME but only SAFE is shown on my account.  I would like to see FREEDOME and all subscriptions shown under one account page. 


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser



    // later edited; because I misunderstood concern at first.


    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).

     I only have SAFE and FREEDOME but only SAFE is shown on my account.  I would like to see FREEDOME and all subscriptions shown under one account page. 

    Did you mean that your noted account is about F-Secure SAFE subscription? And is not about F-Secure Total subscription?


    And your request is about common ability to check all your F-Secure subscriptions per one page (even if it is about fully different packages and subscriptions)?

    And such ability should be pinned to mail-address (but what about offline activation per retail store flow and certain F-Secure solution where My F-Secure Account is not involved)?

    Just as own unofficial suggestion/discussion: I think that with your certain situation (SAFE and Freedome) - maybe good to switch for F-Secure TOTAL package later (as more suitable solution). Where kind of ability to check more about Freedome unused licences is available.


    There is also (at least) one another feature request about related subject for Freedome only:

    In addition, some generic words about F-Secure Total design:

    But, by the way, did you try to re-check situation with current dashboard view(?):

    Where should be possible to switch "space" between embedded solutions to package (F-Secure SAFE/Freedome/KEY).

    When you switch to Freedome - there should be notice about available licences for Freedome installation. And I am not sure if installed/devices are visible further (as with F-Secure SAFE). 



  • Heliman2019
    Heliman2019 Posts: 3 New Member

    @Heliman2019 wrote:

    I understand that TOTAL shows all accounts. I only have SAFE and FREEDOME but only SAFE is shown on my account.  I would like to see FREEDOME and all subscriptions shown under one account page. 

    Hello UKKO,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes thanks, the link you sent below reflects the same situation that I am asking about but the author words it better than I have.




  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,682 Superuser

    In general, it is partly implemented as F-Secure TOTAL package and its current My F-Secure account dashboard.

    However, it is still not implemented for only F-Secure Freedome VPN solution/package/subscription itself (as example).

    And it is not about situation when user with different F-Secure subscriptions in use (purchased as different packages and subscriptions). Thus, not possible to open certain page where will be listed all purchased/subscriptions for certain mail address (user).


    Though I think that with such situation -> F-Secure TOTAL is pretty suitable solution and good to switch to F-Secure TOTAL when available (because .. on current day F-Secure TOTAL package is about F-Secure SAFE / F-Secure FREEDOME / F-Secure KEY and even with option/ability to purchase F-Secure SENSE router as part of TOTAL subscription).


    Anyway, good if there will be attention from F-Secure Team.

    And sorry for my worst English!



  • Heliman2019
    Heliman2019 Posts: 3 New Member

    Thanks Ukko, appreciate your assistance.
