Why i conect to any server

Omardawabi Posts: 2 New Member

When i press on it start to conect but it still trying to conect and I tried with many server and still the same problem


  • Hello Omardawabi,


    Please provide us the following information:


    1. May I know the OS of your device in which you have this issue?

    2. Is there any error message when it is trying to connect?

    3. Have you tried to connect from a different network and see if you are still unable to connect?


  • TJ3
    TJ3 Posts: 1 New Member

    Hi im having the same problem, running on windows 10.

    No error messages it just keeps trying to connect.

    I have treied to connect to different networks with no luck.

    this started after i updated Freedome this morning.

    I have since uninstalled and reinstalled.

  • Omardawabi
    Omardawabi Posts: 2 New Member

    Android S8

    No error message

    SPAZ_JAMMER Posts: 14 New Member

    exact same situation! updated on Jan 25 - no connection since. try to revert to old version but Windows is not allowed it (any advice on that?) 3 days now without protection. F-Secure, please correct/re-release a prior version or provide refunds. thank you


  • Jules1625
    Jules1625 Posts: 1 New Member

    I’ve got the sane problem, just won’t connect at all? No error messages? Trying on an iPad & iPhone, restarted both but no joy! Any ideas

  • Hello Everyone,


    May I know if you are connecting from United Arab Emirates? UAE has started to block the VPN connections again. We have a knowledge base article about this here.

  • SRM_12
    SRM_12 Posts: 1 New Member

    Downloaded the trial version for my iPhone, and I can't connect on any servers either.

    I keep getting a message to restart the device to fix the issue, but the issue persists.

    I wanted to buy for 3 devices, but not if I can't connect.

    This is version



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