F-Secure browsing protection takes extreme cpu power

Frasa Posts: 1 New Member

With browsing protextion (F-secure SAVE 17.4) enabled on Safari (12) on my Mac certain webpages (esp. those with many ads) will take extreme cpu power. Activity monitor shows >200% for longer times. Frequently the spinning wait cursor is shown. Scrolling down is delayed.


This has started a few months ago, I think around updating to Mojave.


Is there a way to solve this?


  • Hi @Frasa


    May I ask you to try some basic steps and check whether the issue persists?

    1. Please try uninstalling unused i.e trusteer rapport or non-trusted Extensions.
    2. If you run Java in Safari, so please try disable the java browser runtime.
    3. This sounds too easy, but did you clear Safari Caches and Cookies? Sometimes quitting Safari without restoring windows may help resolve issues.
    4. Go to Safari Preferences and turn off the autoplay video feature for all sites.
    5. If you never clear your Cache the ~/Library/Safari/RecentlyClosedTabs.plist file generates huge file size. Quit Safari and move RecentlyClosedTabs.plist to the trash

  • Fr4d
    Fr4d Posts: 1 New Member

    Hi, I have the same problem on my MBP OSX 10.14.3. The Browser Protection takes sometimes over 170% of the CPU and Safari becomes so crazily slow. The only solution I have found is to quit the process in my MBP Activity monitor. I regularly perform a system maintenance with Onyx, thus Safari Cache and cookies are regularly cleant. The autoplay video feature is off, and the only extension I am using is this Browser Protection. Turning Java off is not a sustainable option I think. What do you propose? Best, F



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