FS Protection PC 17.6 releases



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star
  • Ville
    Ville Posts: 753 F-Secure Product Expert

    Release 17.6 beta 4 (4.10.1917):

    New features:

    • Croatian language support added. known issue: Croatian text of Antivirus in main UI is too long, will be fixed in next release.
    • Counters of files scanned, web sites verified etc now visible again in the user interface of the product.

    Fixed Issues:

    • Wrong URL in the uninstallation tool License terms link (PBL-4777)
    • Croatian: wrong link to the EULT on Support Tool (PBL-4774)
    • LOC: Privacy Policy title-text is not modified OR is not fully visible. (SAFE_BUG-02715, PBL-4766)
    • Croatian: ".net installing" status sign localization missing (PBL-4765)
    • Croatian: localization is missing for the "no .net" installer error window (PBL-4764)
    • Croatian: language name starts from lowercase letter (PBL-4763)
    • Strange behaviour if AUA handler times out on refresh series list (PBL-4751)
    • Excessive horizontal scroll on the text area of the About (PBL-4738)
    • Settings, list row height (PBL-4737)
    • "Run support tool" button did not start Support tool in Japanese installation (PBL-4732)
    • Button corrupted in Japanese installation (PBL-4731)
    • Button text too small (PBL-4728)
    • Setting UI default open size  (PBL-4727)
    • Family Rules is off in CBP but shows on in client (PBL-4710)
    • Layout&size of the default Setting UI  (PBL-4702)
    • Safe search not working for google, yahoo etc but working for youtube (PBL-4673)
    • Search rating icons are broken for Firefox (PBL-4672)
    • Help search doesn´t work (PBL-4631)
    • Inconsistent setup localization (PBL-4630)
    • Blockpage occasionally warns about ".W: PluginStateBlockPage::HandleHttpsScan: Unknown request type 5" (PBL-4566)
    • Family Rules main user interface tab with 'clear' state for Time Limits (when it is reached or over-extended then). (SAFE_BUG-02667, PBL-4482)



    F-Secure R&D, Desktop products

  • Urmas
    Urmas Posts: 71 F-Secure Employee

    Release 17.6 beta 5 (4.10.2102):


    Fixed issues:

    • Sentence begins from the non-capital letter on the Secure browsing tab (PBL-4819)
    • Windows Client Family Rules incorrectly showing device use limits for 8 hours (PBL-4811)
    • Safe Search window small bug - FSP 17.6 beta 3 (SAFE_BUG-02724, PBL-4807, PBL-4794)
    • Missing Croatian language from AV only installer (PBL-4798)
    • [Cro] SAFE login page not localized  (PBL-4797)
    • Text on the Settings UI is not copyable (PBL-4790)
    • Extra Information Inconsistency in Settings (PBL-4788)
    • Last View in Settings not Always Remembered (PBL-4785)
    • Strange behaviour if AUA handler times out on refresh series list (PBL-4751)
    • Comments to the Ru localization of the About window (PBL-4742)
    • .NET Setting UI: unchecked "Block harmful site" lead to disabled 'Browsing protection' (PBL-4698)
    • Help does not open after pressing the F1 (PBL-4645)
    • Scheduled scan fails to start with error code -2147020576 (PBL-4604)
    • Crash at Settings (PBL-4559)
    • 17.4: Hangup on Manual Scan (PBL-4457)
    • LT: ValueComms counter descriptions have hardcoded numbers (PBL-4273)

    Known issues:

    • Some counters (such as Download scanned for threats, Web sites verified, Banking session secured, Download blocked and Harmful web site blocked) will stop updating after upgrade. These will be fixed with new channel release. If you did a first-time install or upgrade from beta 3, you won't see these counters at all for a few days.
  • Release 17.6 beta 6 (4.10.2147):

    Fixed issues:

    • .NET install fail must retry only after restart (PBL-4851)
    • Network Installer loses the true return code during the self-upgrade scenario (PBL-4820)
    • Extra Information Inconsistency in Settings (PBL-4788)
    • Sometimes the new Settings window is too small (PBL-4787)
    • Initial Support View in Settings Incorrect (PBL-4784)
    • Croatian: the "Antivirus" tab sign does not fit to the main UI (PBL-4769)
    • Wrong terminology on the installer screen for the polish localization (PBL-4762)
    • Missing shield icon for button "Run Support tool" in non-admin mode (PBL-4729)
    • MS security updates 19-02 break Ransomware protection (TA: 5018/01 fails on Win10 SUVP 64-bit) (PBL-4640)
    • Top banner right side cut after installation (PBL-4519)
  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Please educate me:

    Where would this extra information in settings be?

    Where would I seet this Run Support tool?

    Where is the Support View in Settings

    If this is my Top banner


    What would the uncut Top banner look like?

  • All these fixes you asked about are refering to the work-in-progress settings dialog, which is not yet enabled. It was accessible at 17.6 beta 3 release but now removed from beta 6.

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks for the education.

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser
    my humble congrats to Ukko, he's got much sharper eyes than I
  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @yeoldfart wrote:
    my humble congrats to Ukko, he's got much sharper eyes than I

    Thanks... but the feeling that I overlooked something. :)

    What is background of congratulations? Except for the recently 'liked' reply. But if so - these points came to me too close (therefore, if I had not noticed them, I would have crashed into them).

  • yeoldfart
    yeoldfart Posts: 582 Superuser

    You just point out things I did not come into and I keep on wondering why it is so, do i just overlook it or is it due to different software environment ?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser
    or is it due to different software environment ?

    I think that, most likely (and most often), it is.

    But, perhaps, with the addition of "hardware difference"; And (more often, maybe) it is all about points that are not critical / or are random or even unrepeatable further.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    I had a very funny experience upgrading to beta 7.

    FS Protection was still beta 6. And I decided to check some things with AMTSO security checks.

    So, I decided to start from a drive-by check.

    I open "drive-by" check on a fresh tab and when I expected to receive a notification about malicious item... on right this timeframe I received notification from Windows Security Center instead. With subject that security software (AV) is disabled. And... found disappeared fs protection tray logo. First feelings "that it is too strange to be crash" (but to suspect upgrade state right with the time when I decided to check / download "a drive-by" was also too fancy). Some seconds and.. yes.. it is upgrade. :)


  • Release 17.6 beta 7 (4.10.2187):

    Fixed issues:

    • Removed "#Show details..." from reboot dialog (PBL-4875)
  • MatthewTurner
    MatthewTurner Posts: 3 New Member

    Like this updates... but have new problems

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I don't know how long it's been there, but I notice we now have some 'stats' at the bottom of the main UI.  This is nice, but mine says that Deepguard has verified 4647 applications.  I don't think there's anywhere near that many applications on my machine, so where does this figure come from?

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser
    This is nice, but mine says that Deepguard has verified 4647 applications.  I don't think there's anywhere near that many applications on my machine, so where does this figure come from?



    Based on description (Help symbol (?) use): it is about all launched processes (probably, "state" is not limited to "application" term. and one application may trigger a lot of processes, most likely).

    Then, each time counter is increased. Launched processes are not cached/stored and each next try is doubled to statistics (for example, "browser" launch; each launch - "browser" should be verified).

    I think that your verified count is OK. My own (after "Statistics" back) is 26741 for last month and 9886 for last week.


    Although, previously these were "broken" counts. And I am not sure about its current design (it was listed as fixed trouble) - because more good to check it with clean installation.

    In addition, "Real-time scanned items" and "DeepGuard verified" counts are close to each other.


    What is more tricky for me - it is "Downloads". Sounds that unexpectedly huge. My count is "443" for last month and "194" for last week. Description for count with information that any background updates are counted too. But if so - maybe it is too small counts. If not - too large (I think that I did not download so much files).

    And statistics for websites are pinned to supported browsers (and enabled extension). Because of HTTPS. Probably.



  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Should this not be continued in a new thread FS Protection PC 17.7 releases

    I got mine on Tuesday

    Since then I have got two notifications to turn Virus protection on. Why might that be?


    The particular installation is on a PC which I use mainly to look at Elisa Viihde, do banking, watch a webinar once a week and download software update intallation files manually. Most of the appications are portable some data recovery applications are properly installed so I get the following stats

    882 web sites verified
    9 banking seesions secured
    18 Downloads scanned for threats

    80837 Files checked by real-time sanner
    93256 Applications verfied by Deepguard


    What time frame might that be?

    The last two seem kinda high compared to the others which could be for this week.

    Kinda curious that more applications were verified than files checked. Are they mutually exclusive?


    Again in beta 7 the banking protections does not always turn off after I close the tabe where is was activated, but leaving Nordea it does most of the time.


  • Urmas
    Urmas Posts: 71 F-Secure Employee



    Real-time scanning has a caching mechanism to avoid rescanning unchanged files over and over. Because of this the DeepGuard counter can be larger than the real-time scanning counter. Both counters can be so large because they are incremented per each scan or check. If you launch the same executable twice, DeepGuard will check it twice, and will increment the counter by two. Windows has lots of processes that get run automatically (services etc) and they all contribute to the counters.


    The user interface should show the date since which the counters have been tracked ("Data available since").


    BR, Urmas

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    Thanks for the quick response and education. That makes sense.

    Please educate me some more: Where do I see the date


  • Urmas
    Urmas Posts: 71 F-Secure Employee

    Click on the number to get an expanded view.


    BR, Urmas

  • martink
    martink Posts: 445 Rising Star

    O golly, thanks


  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    I guess it kind of makes sense now.  I never thought to click on the number!

  • pbmcmlxxi-new
    pbmcmlxxi-new Posts: 2 New Member

    Version 17.6 beta 7 - downloaded and installed within 2 mins. Really impressed with the install speed. No reboot was needed. Installed on the latest W10 - 20H1 build.
    No issues so far. 


    PBMCMLXXI Posts: 5 New Member

    Managed to log back into my original account now :) 

    As I put above:


    Version 17.6 beta 7 - downloaded and installed within 2 mins. Really impressed with the install speed. No reboot was needed. Installed on the latest W10 - 20H1 build.
    No issues so far - Now with a day of use still no issues, runs smoothly.  Smiley Happy

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