Please optimize Freedom for battery life android

karkas20 Posts: 9 Observer


I use last version of freedom for Android 8.0


Pleaae freedom optimization for battery life for using.


Add new option interface show real IP befor connect to freedom and show virtual IP after connect to freedom


Add time when connect on freedom I mean The duration of the connect


Add some port for example rang port for user choise port and connect server

Freedom use two port 2700 and 2800 for Tcp and udp, this rang port is not enough for using  because some port filterd on some countries 


Please new methods for bypass DPI and Censorship in countries China, Pakistan, turkey, UAE, etc...


Your company base is cyber security for Blocking Cyber crime...

Well, You should be use new method Scramble vpn for bypass Dpi firewall




  • TomiM
    TomiM Posts: 1 New Member


    I am also having issues with the battery usage. I am running Android 9 on a OnePlus 6t.


     Please note that the period with almost constant battery % corresponds to the night hours, when I turned airplane mode on (no Internet connection). 


  • karkas20
    karkas20 Posts: 9 Observer

    Hi TomiM


    Please try Freedom without some option


    Disable Tracker protection/Web protction/App scanner


    and go to settings and uncheck send information for server F-secure


    Take Care

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