Family rules time limitation extended time

Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
However, when he reaches the limit it just offers the option for him to extend the time rather than block his pc. Is there a way to overcome this trouble?
If your experience is about Windows system and if your situation is about next state:
-- toast/notification is visible before he reaches the limit (ten minutes/five minutes/one minute); with ability to extend time.
-- when limit is reached - lockpage is visible with ability to extend time.
With this view: lockpage will block system for further use. But if your experence is about main user account (with Administrator rights) - indeed possible just "to extend/add more time" by own steps.
In fact, with Administrator rights - user with abilities to do anything.
Recommended to use "local user" (not as Administrator) type for proper Parental Control work:
Then for extending more time - need to provide Administrator (your, for example) account's password. As part of UAC flow.
Possible to do doublecheck that UAC is enabled too:
Or your experience and situation are about something else? And entire lockpage is not visible?