Family rules time limitation extended time

KemlynUltra Posts: 1 New Member

Hi. I have placed family rules that limits the amount of screen time my son has in front of his pc. However, when he reaches the limit it just offers the option for him to extend the time rather than block his pc. Is there a way to overcome this issue?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).

    However, when he reaches the limit it just offers the option for him to extend the time rather than block his pc. Is there a way to overcome this trouble?

    If your experience is about Windows system and if your situation is about next state:


    -- toast/notification is visible before he reaches the limit (ten minutes/five minutes/one minute); with ability to extend time.

    -- when limit is reached - lockpage is visible with ability to extend time.


    With this view: lockpage will block system for further use. But if your experence is about main user account (with Administrator rights) - indeed possible just "to extend/add more time" by own steps.

    In fact, with Administrator rights - user with abilities to do anything.


    Recommended to use "local user" (not as Administrator) type for proper Parental Control work:

    Then for extending more time - need to provide Administrator (your, for example) account's password. As part of UAC flow.

    Possible to do doublecheck that UAC is enabled too:

    Or your experience and situation are about something else? And entire lockpage is not visible?



  • nanonyme
    nanonyme Posts: 145 Path Finder


    Also note that you basically trust any person with admin account absolutely. They can uninstall any software from the machine including F-Secure SAFE. 

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