daily scheduled scan not working, when I open your site it says last scan 4 days ago.

Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
It is scheduled to run daily!!
But what is your time set up? Certain time (hour:minutes) or "after computer is not used for" (minutes)?
In addition, did you try to restart system and to doublecheck your Recent events list (main user interface -> Tools-tab -> Recent events) - where possible to check if scheduled scan is launched/triggered and if canceled or finished.
Hello Ukko, I recently changed from daily to weekly and I used to get a message saying acanning about to start! F-secure was re-loaded on 05/12/2018 and according to the event history 1st scan was done on 05/12/2018 then on 07,08,09,10 then 18th,21st and 22nd. I have checked and it it currently set for weekly scan. Can you advise which is the most appropriate schedule?
First of all, good to doublecheck that it is possible to run scheduled scan.
For example, change it to 'daily' (or weekly with chosen today's day) and to set up run at "certain time"; where certain time is two minutes later from current your time. So, by these steps - possible to check that scheduled scan will start (possible to cancel/skip it by toast; or by further enabling Gaming mode).
Then, if your setting is about to start scan after "system is not used for" (idle) - it works only after "midnight".
With meanings: if this option is "after system is not used for /sixty/ minutes" - it is mean after "midnight" (or around). For example, at 0-00 or further time. Thus, system should be turned on at this time.
If your setting is about scan at certain hour:minute - so, it is possible to check by noted steps (as it should work).
Can you advise which is the most appropriate schedule?
I think that, basically, scheduled scan is not too important on current day.
Main design of F-Secure solution (as up-to-date and complex solution) is real-time protection.
When harmful, malicious, tricky or risky application is launched (or anything tried to access it) - F-Secure should to detect it by real-time scanning/analysis and its abilities (DeepGuard included).
Thus, scheduled scan or manual Full Scan is mainly scan against static remained 'harmful/suspicious'-rated items; but static items are not always dangerous.
Scheduled scan is good as doublecheck and ability to run it with other options than Manual Scan has.
My own feelings -> to run Full Scan or Scheduled Scan is enough as one-time per month. It is also useful to scan/re-scan excluded items from real-time scanning.
I do launch Scheduled scan or Full Scan when I know that system can be "turned on", at least, ten hours and I do not want to use system during this timeframe.