Webcam/Microphone protection module?

Hi there.

so i've seen some products already got this feature even if they're not that much into Privacy like F-Secure is, all of us at one point love F-Secure because of how it cares and thinks about out Privacy, so it's kinda weird that we have not these protections "yet".

and by protection i mean monitoring which apps is gonna use them like ask user if user allow to use it or not... 

so F-Secrue you might think about it already, but is there any reason that we have not this now? 
might be a reason since i can't believe you didn't think about it so far. 



  • Upendra
    Upendra Posts: 6 Observer

    Yes, I agree with itsParham it is very essential for a suite which is above its internet security pack, ''F-Secure SAFE''.

  • Cale
    Cale Posts: 297 F-Secure Product Manager


    Your request has been noted. Just closing this ticket as duplicate and moving votes to the other ticket.
