Installation needs subscription key

I have downloaded the free trial of F-Secure Internet Security and the file name is F-SecureNetworkInstaller.exe and the size is 900KB. When I run it, it asks for a subscription key and I don't know where to find that. I can not see that in my account.


Any idea? I see  a KB but that is applicable when the product is installed! and that is not my case.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Sorry for reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).


    In general, if your experience is about F-Secure Internet Security (trial) - installer should be with embedded trial-licence already.

    Does your try to download installer is from next Downloads-page(?):

    If so - trial-licence is not embedded indeed. And expected that you should to type trial subscription code manually OR to add your paid subscription key.


    Otherwise, if your try to download and start to use trial of F-Secure Internet Security is done from next page:

    Likely that your experience can be about F-Secure SAFE trial. And just because your words are about "account" - maybe it is about My F-Secure Account with SAFE trial.

    Basically, F-Secure SAFE (for Windows) and F-Secure Internet Security with small count of differences.


    If it is possible to login into your F-Secure account ( and there is active trial for SAFE - should be possible to choose "Add device" / "Choose Platform" and then receive installer with already embedded licence. File name is something like "F-Secure-Safe-Network-Installer_LICENCEHASH_"


    But if you would like to use F-Secure Internet Security trial time - good to doublecheck instruction where you tried to download it. Trial subscription key can be generic key or unique for you.

    If it is unclear how to receive/retrieve trial subscription key for F-Secure Internet Security -> one option is to contact F-Secure Support (chat as example) for their advice and to request trial subscription key for F-Secure IS:


    Sorry for my long reply and my worst English!

    If something is unclear or need explanation about my words - I do able to provide it!



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