Trusted Networks not available on Android Phone

Trigg Posts: 1 New Member

Android bugMorning , hoping you can help.

Currently have the Freedome VPN app on Android phone, need to access a local server, so on my tablet, i select the trusted network option, tick it and can then see said sserver. When I go to do this on my android phone, the trustedn etwork bit is greyed out, so cannot see the server I need.

Anyone knoe a way around this?


  • Hello @Trigg


    May I know the version of your Freeedome app? and version of your android OS?


    Could you please try the following steps? and check agian.


    1. Turn Freedome OFF.

    2. Try close all apps that running in the background.

    3.  Clean app data, steps can be found here

    4. Turn Freedome ON.


    If issue persists,  would it be possible for you re-install the F-secure Freedome app?


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