Option to manage devices using SAFE and downgrade subscription

Ta3 Posts: 1 New Member

It would be really nice if I could have the option to delete devices from my SAFE subsctiption. At the moment I see 4 devices on the webpage and only 1 of them is really an active installation.


It would also be really good to have the option to downgrade the subscription. There are times when you might not need that many licenses anymore. For example death in the family, divorce or just a change of the used devices. At the moment this has been made really not userfriendly since you have to disable your account or create a new one.


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,795 Superuser



    Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).

    It would be really nice if I could have the option to delete devices from my SAFE subsctiption. At the moment I see 4 devices on the webpage and only 1 of them is really an active installation.

    It should be possible to do. It is impossible only if you are "invited" user. I did not check it with current days - but does it possible to choose 'this' device (click it) and then to receive 'window' with words like "release licence". This should release licence from installation/device and eventually 'delete' device.

    What about subscription with reduced count of devices/package. Probably it is good feature request; if F-Secure Official Support does not able to assist with meanings like "it is still your account - but previous subscription is removed and then purchased another one". Only trouble is that probably it is impossible to create normal flow for on-going subscription change (only after expiration).

