Browsing Protection Conflicts with Sending Mail on Thunderbird

Since yesterday I have not been able send emails on Thunderbird when F secure Browsing protection is on.
I can however send with no problem when I disable Browsing protection. I have discovered that the problem is associated with Browsing Protection by Trial and Error.
I also have a similar problem wth another program I use for sending out "mail merge" emails - Mailist Controller.
For the moment I am disabling Browsing Protection - and being careful about which sites I visit.
I have had exactly the same problem, which also started on Saturday, when Thunderbird would not send or receive emails. Finally tracked it down to the Web Browser protection element of F-Secure Safe. By turning it off the problem dissapeared but when turned on again the problem came back. I have contacted F-Secure support today who have acknowledged the problem so hopefully there will be a fix soon. Have been using webmail but what a chore.
Thanks for your message.
I tried using webmail but didn't find it as user friendly as Thunderbird and it doesn't seem to include any audio announcement of a email arriving. From the comments from F-Secure technician, there may be a few people in the same position as us which should prompt them to immediate action, or lose some customers. So fingers crossed that there is a rapid fix.