I am experiencing WAY TOO MANY instances where the VPN just SPINS AND SPINS - unable to connect. Sometimes a location change helps, but most often not.
NO, it is NOT AN ISSUE with my 300mps service as it continues to work WOTHOUT this VPN.
Anyone else experiencing this this and have a solution OTHER THAN A VPN PROVIDER CHANGE?
iOS 12.1 on iPhone 6 and now XS Max. Also happens on my (the) newest iPad Pro
Areas (ie SOUTH, SOUTHEAST) suddenly become non-operational. A change in area helps until the closest area become operational again.
This is happens at home, work, and out. The “blue and white connecting circle” just spins and spins. Annoying.
It happens often enough to push me towards choosing another VPN service in the future.
Yes. iOS restarts and app uninstall and reinstall process completed.
Standard iOS operation.
If it was an app problem, CONNECTING TO ANOTHER VPN AREA EACH TIME WOULDN’T WORK. Trouble is, further the distance of the provider, slower the response time.
This HAS TO DO WITH Freedome areas going down. I just don’t want to continually be bothered with changing areas to get operating VPN service locations. I shouldn’t have to.
Hello DrMSW,
Our monitoring does not show any problems for those 2 locations - south and southeast US. However, I see you have all iOS devices mentioned in the last post. Do you happen to use any other device with a different OS and does the issue happen in that OS as well?
We have seen this kind of behaviour occasionally with the iOS clients. It depends on the built-in IPSec functionality in the operating system, and there is apparently something there that causes these issues.