general question re SAFE

daveNL Posts: 6 Observer

Hi, I recently purchased and installed F-Secure on my desktop.

Tonight I received an e-mail informing me I still have not installed F-Secure SAFE.

My first thought was to check to see if the e-mail was in fact from F-Secure.  It appears to be.

Do I need to install SAFE if I have F-Secure already installed?


  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Do I need to install SAFE if I have F-Secure already installed?

    Good to know what is exact your purchased solution.


    F-Secure SAFE is F-Secure package (solution).

    There are also another home packages (solutions): F-Secure TOTAL (combination of F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure FREEDOME in one subscription); F-Secure FREEDOME VPN; F-Secure KEY Password Manager; F-Secure Internet Security and F-Secure AV.


    In general, not possible to install F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure Internet Security/AV at the one time.

    Possible to install F-Secure SAFE and F-Secure Freedome and F-Secure KEY;

    So, as example, you need to install F-Secure SAFE only if your experience is about installed F-Secure Freedome (and no any other security solutions in use). Otherwise - it is a little be unclear situation. Do you able to provide more information (?).


    Useful knowledgebase articles:

     // if your experience is about F-Secure Internet Security: possible to doublecheck it by opening main user interface (doubleclick F-Secure desktop logo or click for F-Secure traypicture). top/right Banner should be with label "F-Secure Internet Security"; otherwise - righclick F-Secure traylogo and choose "About".



  • daveNL
    daveNL Posts: 6 Observer

    "Good to know what is exact your purchased solution."

    When I open F-Secure, the mian window states to the right, Internet Security.  If I go to Control Panel \ Programs and Feature, for F-Secure I see version 3.15.612.0.

    I could not find Help \ About in F-Secure to know exactly what I'm using.

    Thanks for replying.

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser


    When I open F-Secure, the mian window states to the right, Internet Security


    So, your experience is about F-Secure Internet Security (as solution and package:


    If your experience is only about this one subscription (for F-Secure Internet Security) - not needed to install F-Secure SAFE (and to purchase it in addition to F-Secure IS). Because F-Secure SAFE (for Windows) and F-Secure Internet Security are practically solutions with 'no differences'.


    Maybe your received mail-letter is something like promotion or 'advertisement' about F-Secure SAFE as about more 'universal' solution (but with price which compared to F-Secure IS price). There is topic with discussion (and some other discussions) about differences between F-Secure IS and F-Secure SAFE:

    Common view is that F-Secure Internet Security (subscription) is pinned to only Windows-platform devices. Also, Parental Control is not about ability to manage it via My F-Secure Account portal. It is configured locally under your installation.

    F-Secure SAFE is kind of "F-Secure IS" for different platforms (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android). And ability to manage some things under My F-Secure Account Portal. F-Secure SAFE for Windows and F-Secure Internet Security -- technically with one set of features (differences with licence-handling and some 'design'-based differences).


    Sorry for my long reply!


  • daveNL
    daveNL Posts: 6 Observer

    After going back and rereading the first reply to my initial post, I saw the About \ Help ...

    What I have is:

    F-Secure 17.4

    Antivirus 17.215.129

    Parental Controls 2.215.7452.4118

    Common Component Framework 3.15.612

    The product I bought was through my wife's school account and paid around €25 for a one year subscription.

  • daveNL
    daveNL Posts: 6 Observer

    Thanks for your reply.  When I have more time I'll go through and check out those links you supplied.

    Thanks, Dave Horne

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