Automatically turn on FREEDOME when I connect to a non-trusted Wi-Fi network

Hello. I couldn't find a post requesting the feature I am envisioning, so I am asking here.
In a nutshell, if FREEDOME is running, but not turned ON, if I connect to a network that I have not listed as "trusted", then I would like FREEDOME to turn ON automatically, so that I don't have to remember to turn it on. Some may offer a solution of, "just leave it on all of the time", and my response is, "there are reasons why I may have turned it OFF, or it was OFF without my knowledge."
I am a business systems analsyt on a software development team. We are learning about BDD (Business Driven Development), Cucmber/Gherkin, ATDD, etc., so I will try to express this feature request in the following Gherkin scenarios:
Background: FREEDOME is running and OFF and networks exist Given FREEDOME is running And FREEDOME is OFF And the following Wi-Fi networks exist | Network name | Trusted? | | MyHouse | Yes | | Coffeeshop | No | Scenario: Connect to Trusted network When I connect to MyHouse Then FREEDOME is still disabled Scenario: Connect to Untrusted network When I connect to CoffeeShop Then FREEDOME is enabled