SAFE about device: "This device has not connected to My F-Secure during the last two weeks."

I have two android phones that have SAFE installed and the app says "protected".
But when I check these devices online, I get this message:
This device has not connected to My F-Secure during the last two weeks.
Check that the device can connect to the internet and SAFE app status is "Protected".
Any ideas why?
Sorry for my reply. I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
I think that maybe there is internal trouble (F-Secure side) and good to contact their official Support for investigation.
Because I found some of related troubles too.
But - does your Android devices with active network connections? If yes - I think that notification under "My F-Secure Account"-portal is only notification (that not possible to check device's status) and it is not about critical impact.
If it is not a F-Secure side trouble with receiving device's status - maybe possible to check that any other application or network configuration does not block SAFE connections to F-Secure servers(?!).