my wish

@yeoldfart wrote:can you add something like a blinking red dot that would entice the user to have a look at the event list ? it could be helpful for those who need to be taken by the hand.
Sorry for my reply. Just as potential discussion between community users.
But does it should be dot under tray-logo?
If not -> I think that 'critical' events are pinned to Action Center [View messages (_count_)]. And when we 'rightclick' tray-picture - such count is visible (also Action Center should appear by own way).
While "Recent events"-list maybe only as static information.
If yes -> maybe good to request also such dot for database-updating timeframe.
Hi @yeoldfart
The event history contains a history of what has happened. If there is anything critical that the user needs to notice, we have two other options: flyers and popup dialog. Flyers are used for events that are good for user to know but don't require user to make a choice. Popup is used only when we expect user to take an action. The idea is that when something is added to recent events, it's not something we need to bother user about.
You can find recent events links from the "Tools" tab or by right-clicking on the tray icon.
(F-Secure R&D)
F-Secure R&D, Desktop products