Tor Browser update and problem

Sorry for my reply. I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
If situation is still about such detection (after receiving fresh updates for F-Secure databases) - one option is to transfer firefox.exe executable to F-Secure Labs:
with chosen "I want to give more details about this sample and to be notified of the analysis results"
and with description about (as report about potentially false positive detection).
if your Tor Browser installation was from official place - maybe it is false positive detection by DeepGuard generic rules (maybe based on recent update and its 'freshness').
if detection is still there and you do not want to transfer executable to F-Secure Labs - there should be ability to 'exclude' executable or to allow this 'suspicious' application. For example, possible to try use next place for more information:
I think that "leaktool"-detection is about some components of modified Firefox. But if your installation was from 'third-party' resource - maybe Tor Browser installation is bundled by something else.