client certificate on f-secure android

I need F-secure safe for Android to present a client certificate in order to acces a particular private website.
I do have the certificate and I know how to make Chrome to present it, so I succeeded in accessing that website using Chrome.
But I want to use the F-Secure Safe browser.
How can I make that browser present the client certificate?
Sorry for my reply. I am only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
Just interesting - did you find any design to implement your thoughts?
And, for example, just your known 'steps' with Chrome are not valid with F-Secure Safe browser?
And did you mean that client certificate is installed under your device - but it is not possible to use with F-Secure Safe browser as with any other browser (I am not friendly with such concern - but possible to suspect that it should be done automatically)?
If so - maybe good to create feature request about:
Maybe it was also possible to contact their official Support Channels (chat as example):
> Just interested - did you find any design to implement your thoughts?
> And, for example, just your known 'steps' with Chrome are not valid with F-Secure Safe browser?
> And did you mean that client certificate is installed under your device
> - but it is not possible to use it with F-Secure Safe browser
>maybe good to create feature request about:
I did not try that.
>Maybe it was also possible to contact their official Support Channels (chat as example):
I did not try that either.