Is there a difference between FS Protection - F-Secure "SAFE"?

I'm a little confused. I just got an email saying my F-Secure "SAFE" will be ending on Oct. 14th 2018 or around there. But when I click on the icon on my computer for FS Protection it says I'm protected through 3-27-2019, the one that brings up where you can run the Antivirus scan, Family Rules, Tools, My FS Protection. Are these 2 different programs? The F-Secure "SAFE" and the FS Protection?
The reason it confused me a little is because for the F-Secure "SAFE" it says to login & pay to continue protecting my banking info & keeping my computer safe. But I thought there was the Banking Protection with the FS Protection too? Thanks!
Yes, FS Protection and F-Secure SAFE are two different solutions (replaceable by each other).
As software and as subscription. But there are small differences.
FS Protection is a beta program.
Unofficially - it is possible to call as 'F-Secure SAFE beta' (or kind of technology preview).
So, subscription for FS Protection is provided by 'enrolling' in beta program. Your beta account is pinned to certain mail-address.
F-Secure SAFE subscription is paid subscription. Your 'stable' F-Secure Account is pinned to certain mail-address.
Possible to use different mail-addresses for both solutions (basically).
The reason it confused me a little is because for the F-Secure "SAFE" it says to login & pay to continue protecting my banking info & keeping my computer safe. But I thought there was the Banking Protection with the FS Protection too?
F-Secure SAFE with own 'marketing' promotion for its features.
FS Protection with most of F-Secure SAFE features too (as beta of F-Secure SAFE). Currently, both solutions with Banking Protection feature.
Sorry for my reply.
@mp07 wrote:Ok, great! Thank you very much for taking the time to explain to me. I really appreciate it!
So you should use either one or the other, correct? You shouldn't use both at the same time? Thanks again!!!
Yes, but with meanings that 'under one system' (as installed software).
Because, basically, you do able to use both (F-Secure SAFE and FS Protection) at the same time; but with different systems/devices. And it is OK to be with valid SAFE subscription and to be part of beta program.
Just as an example:
-> your F-Secure SAFE subscription start from today for one year.
-> your FS Protection 'current' subscription start from today for six months.
With your certain device (Windows laptop or PC; Android device or Mac) - possible to install and use F-Secure SAFE or FS Protection. It is not possible to install/use both at the same time; possible to uninstall one solution and to install another.
Subscription time of both solutions are not pinned to anything else (if you do not use it but subscription is activated and there is expiration date -> it will be expired with such date).
With F-Secure SAFE -> need to renew it by your own steps (if you want to use solution further);
With FS Protection -> based on your effort (good to provide some feedback as expected for beta program) - six month subscription can be extended further (for next six months as example) by FS Protection F-Secure Team.
For example, I do use FS Protection with my own devices.
And F-Secure SAFE (or F-Secure TOTAL) with devices which I do able to manage - but it is not my own devices (or not only for my own use).
So, I do use both solutions at the same time (two 'accounts' for two solutions). But both solutions are not compatible to work together under one system at the same time.
Sorry for my worst English and reply!
Good if official F-Secure Team or other Community users with ability to explain it more clear!
Thank you Ukko!
I appreciate you taking the time to explain everything. I understood what you were saying & you explained well. So you can't use FS Protection(beta) & F-Secure "SAFE" on the same device. But you can use one or the other on other divices, just one or the other on each device. I understand much better now. Thank you!
Again, I really appreciate you taking the time to explain everything.
Thank you very much, again!!!
Hey Ukko!
You had mentioned to be active in the beta community for continuing the beta FS Protection service. Is this the community(beta community) here to be active in? Or do you happen to have a link to the beta community? I think it was switched around a little bit a while ago & I'm not exactly sure where to go now. I remember there was a place where we were to submit bug reports. Is that the community you were talking about? Or is this it here now? Thanks again!!
Link to the community:
(And this forum also, but we cannot link the users here to the beta comminity. Thus the own portal is preferred.)
Thank you Juha!
I appreciate you giving me the link. I just realized thought that its the same link in the FS Protection portal(over to the left that says Beta Feedback) of the main box that comes up when you click on the icon on your computer. But I do appreciate you giving it to me. Thank you!!!