Firewall settings with World of Warcraft

Been having problems in setting the port settings for World of Warcraft.
Tried putting similar TCP port numbers in the initiator and responder fields in the service section,
then linking the service to a rule.
Can anyone take me through the steps so I can understand how configure the firewall ?
World of Warcraft and its various tools (Launcher, Repair, and Background
Downloader) connect to the Internet through multiple port numbers. The main
TCP/UDP ports through which the game connects to the Internet are 1119, 3724, 6112.
The Background Downloader integrated into the Launcher will default to port 6881
and can use any port from 6881 to 6999.
Hi Gus,
Kindly refer the KB articles below to create and configure your Firewall rules:
- Creating a firewall rule for a service that is not listed.
- Adding a new firewall rule.
Best Regards,
Jayson -
Maybe you can help mydearcosmo.
Still do not know what ports to put in the initiator and responder fields.
The techno-speak from WoW is not helpful with regards to the specific f-secure firewall, and I feel rather
computer illiterate if f-secure cannot expand on its guides for people like me to understand and apply them.
The files I need to concentrate on I think are:
Blizzard Updater.exe
I'll ask Blizzard once again, to see if they can provide a clearer explanation on their ports and if the f-sucure firewall
should apply to all these files.