Activation Start

@DAF33 wrote:Coming from other AV's where you get a license key on purchase, I got a little confused with F-Secure's way of doing things.
Sorry for my reply. I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
I think that such design of doing things is only valid for packages like F-Secure SAFE or F-Secure TOTAL; where "My F-Secure Account"-portal in use (with abilities to handle some subscription/licence-based things) and where subscription time (valid for all licences) is visible; when code is redeemed/activated - SAFE subscription is started. I think that, usually, activation can be with 'purchase'-flow (but most likely that not always).
But, for example, with F-Secure Internet Security -> licence is activated during installation (so, possible to purchase subscription-code and activate it later). As with most other solutions(?) and traditional design.