Family rules time limits not working on Windows 10

I've defined time restrictions on my profile on the F-secure site for my kid. I have connected the windows profile to the f-secure profile. F-Secure Safe now saying "Protecing [Name of kid form site]. Everything is OK, but the clock is now 8:40 PM, and the system should be blocked at 8:00 PM, defined as bedtime. Is this a known bug?
The countdown seems to be working, just 10 minutes left of his daily quota, but 41 minutes past bedtime. Does those two cancel eachother? I tried to disable time quota, but was still able to use the computer after bedtime.
First when I set up this system, the bedtime worked, but after introducing time quota as a second option bedtime rules are not working at all.
Any Suggestions?
I'm only an F-Secure user (their home solutions).
With my experience - I do use both options (time limits and sleep-hours); So, possible to use both of them.
But - if you are allow more minutes to use system (when it reached limits and you allow to use system some minutes or one hour else) - it will overwrite sleephours probably. Does it possible that there was blockpage or prompt and you add more time after reaching time limits (or sleephours)?
// otherwise - my experience was also about 'known trouble' (but with my recent experience - it is fixed).
// // but just as suggestion - does your system time is correct (for your own location)?
Am too facing the same problem. Followed the steps as mentioned still am unable. Alo, whenever am trying to Restart my PC, it takes about 2hrs+ showing setting up your PC. Thanks and Regards, panda helper app emu4ios app gbwhatsapp app