F-Secure SAFE Active Indicator

I am running Windows 10 on a Dell desktop, using Chrome as a browers. The discomfort I have is not knowing for sure if F-Secure SAFE is active. There is no indication (symbol, icon or otherwise) confirming it is doing what it is supposed to. Is there a way to check to verify if F-Secure SAFE is actually working on my desktop?
There should be a blue icon in your system tray (by the clock). If it's not there, click the up arrow to see if it's been hidden. If not, then I think you can go into the tray settings from there and select which apps / services are displayed.
If you can't find FS anywhere, then that would suggest that it's not been installed correctly, and you might want to consider reinstalling it.
Just as an addition to discussion:
-> possible to doublecheck that F-Secure Browsing Protection works (and F-Secure Browsing Protection extension) by some of next steps:
-- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Home-Security/Safe-Browsing/m-p/88818#M3178
it is small list of F-Secure test-websites;
suspicious-rated webpage should be blocked if such option is checked under settings;
harmful-rated webpage should be blocked as harmful-rated website;
safe-rated webpage should not be blocked;
-- possible to switch protocol from http to https and doublecheck that F-Secure BP extension is activated. If all OK -> there should be visible F-Secure blockpage; if extension is disabled (or some troubles) - page will be with generic browser mistake like "TLS/SSL trouble" or "page is not found" (if page is accessible - it is trouble).
-- another option to check Browsing Protection extension is search engine like Google/Yahoo/Bing (HTTPS). Type any search-query and check if search rating-pictures are visible (such option should be checked under F-Secure settings).
-> there is also available websites like next one:
it is safe tests against some of security features (like downloading 'malicious'-rated file; access to known phishing page and so on).
I am not sure if there is certain ability to check that all OK with protection on current seconds/minute - but, basically, normal design is that F-Secure solution is always with good state; If something wrong - there should be notification/prompt by F-Secure OR main user interface with related explanation.
But kind of internal troubles (like 'bugs') or limitations of design (it is network-based/cloud-based solution in fact; and system should to receive rating/reputation of website or downloaded file) can be there too (good to report about them to F-Secure).
// funny to add - I just found that suspicious and harmful (or any other restricted) rated pages were not blockedy by my F-Secure installation (for some minutes during creating this reply)