F-Secure SAFE Active Indicator

WayUpNorth Posts: 3 New Member

I am running Windows 10 on a Dell desktop, using Chrome as a browers.  The discomfort I have is not knowing for sure if F-Secure SAFE is active.  There is no indication (symbol, icon or otherwise) confirming it is doing what it is supposed to.  Is there a way to check to verify if F-Secure SAFE is actually working on my desktop? 


  • WayUpNorth
    WayUpNorth Posts: 3 New Member

    Thanks Simon.  When I click on the F=Secure SAFE icon on my destop, the webpage states 'your computer is protected.", but  I can not confirm it on my browser.  Nothing in the explaination / description you proviced matches.  I'll try a reinstall.  Thanks again. 

  • Simon
    Simon Posts: 2,667 Superuser

    You won't see anything in your browser.  The indication should be the icon in the system tray, by the clock. 

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser



    Just as an addition to discussion:


    -> possible to doublecheck that F-Secure Browsing Protection works (and F-Secure Browsing Protection extension) by some of next steps:

    -- https://community.f-secure.com/t5/Home-Security/Safe-Browsing/m-p/88818#M3178

    it is small list of F-Secure test-websites;

    suspicious-rated webpage should be blocked if such option is checked under settings;

    harmful-rated webpage should be blocked as harmful-rated website;

    safe-rated webpage should not be blocked;

    -- possible to switch protocol from http to https and doublecheck that F-Secure BP extension is activated. If all OK -> there should be visible F-Secure blockpage; if extension is disabled (or some troubles) - page will be with generic browser mistake like "TLS/SSL trouble" or "page is not found" (if page is accessible - it is trouble).

    -- another option to check Browsing Protection extension is search engine like Google/Yahoo/Bing (HTTPS). Type any search-query and check if search rating-pictures are visible (such option should be checked under F-Secure settings).


    -> there is also available websites like next one:


    it is safe tests against some of security features (like downloading 'malicious'-rated file; access to known phishing page and so on).

    I am not sure if there is certain ability to check that all OK with protection on current seconds/minute - but, basically, normal design is that F-Secure solution is always with good state; If something wrong - there should be notification/prompt by F-Secure OR main user interface with related explanation.

    But kind of internal troubles (like 'bugs') or limitations of design (it is network-based/cloud-based solution in fact; and system should to receive rating/reputation of website or downloaded file) can be there too (good to report about them to F-Secure).



    // funny to add - I just found that suspicious and harmful (or any other restricted) rated pages were not blockedy by my F-Secure installation (for some minutes during creating this reply) Smiley Very Happy

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