Has XFENCE been abandoned?

Has XFENCE been abandoned? It results in a kernel panic the instant you boot the next version of macOS (which is being released to the public in a few weeks). I'm struggling with random kernel panics in High Sierra as well. There have been no updates or communication in some time. I would like to know one way or the other so I can start looking for alternatives. Thank you for your help!
So XFENCE 1.8.88 works great with Mojave on my MacBook Pro TB 2017 but causes kernel panics 2 minutes in to boot on my Mac Pro 2013. No idea why so far. I had to remove it via recovery mode.
I'm honestly disappointed in how little resources this application is getting after being sold to F-Secure. The original creater would respond almost immediately, provide debug builds, and walk you through fixes. F-Secure appears to have bought it for the tech, but is only propping up the original application until a replacement comes out. That's my theory anyway. I hope I'm wrong.
Edit: Nevermind. Looks like it started kernel panicking my laptop as well. I had to remove it from both machines. 1.8.88 must be conflicting with some of Mojave's new SIP protections. I hope to see a fixed version soon.
I have it running on Mojave and it seems to be fine, except for a rights issue.
I did have a big problems with Mojave after upgrading from HS, but after a clean install it works great. My advice is to do a clean install. I've heard that many people have issues with it, my guess is more than usual.