Re: F-Secure Host Process high disk usage

WarningU2 Posts: 10 Observer

Got to this thread not because of high CPU but high disk activity from the same F-Secure process.   Just reporting it in case the problem has manifested itself in another way.   Not sure why there would be high disk activity.  No scan is running. 



  • Hi WarningU2,


    Welcome F-Secure Community!


    When does this happen, every time you start your machine ? Have you checked that you have all of the current windows updates? What is the OS you're using ?


    I would like you to perform the steps as below to troubleshoot further:

    1. Run full computer scan to make sure your computer is clean from infection.

    2. Please delete temporary files.


    Thank you





  • JC50
    JC50 Posts: 1 New Member

    I have on two computers exactly the same problem. F-secure requires continuous access to the Disk withvery high data-amounts. Please help! This is not workable

  • Ukko
    Ukko Posts: 3,800 Superuser

    @JC50 wrote:

    I have on two computers exactly the same problem. F-secure requires continuous access to the Disk withvery high data-amounts. Please help! This is not workable



    Maybe it is indeed useful to know more information about:

    - does it always? immediately after launch system and all further time?

    - does any other processes are active or something is happened during this timeframes?

    - what is your OS/platform?


    In general, during things like:

    >> updating and installing databases/signatures (after load system and then when updates are available; for example, each hour);

    >> scanning (scheduled scan OR real-time scanning);

    >> analysis by advanced modules like DeepGuard;

    could take system resources; but it should not be too often and with too visible impact.


    Does it possible to check situation by restarting system and then check F-Secure updates (that all of them are installed; possible to do so by rightclick F-Secure traypicture logo and choose "Open Common settings"). Then to perform Full Scan (main user interface by doubleclick F-Secure desktop logo -- Tools-tab -- Scan options - Full Scan) as doublecheck against static remained suspicious items.


    Otherwise - another option is to contact their official Support Channel as request for investigation about:

    By the way - F-Secure solutions always with improvements and tries to be more lightly. Maybe some future versions will be more friendly and lightly even with your experience (if current state is based on F-Secure design and it is not pinned to certain circumstances with another software).


    Sorry for my English!



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